Our Mission
The Lincoln John Myrice Foundation

The LJM Foundation
Mission Statement
Our purpose is to raise funds to provide help, support, awareness and better resources for those going through pregnancy complications and infant loss.
We are partnering with the Toledo Hospital Maternal-Fetal Medicine Department to raise funds to donate for assistance to those families going through pregnancy complications. We also plan to raise additional funds to assist families with hospital bills, burial and cremation expenses, and support that go through these traumatic life changing events.
The LJM Foundation
We were able to take the needed steps towards our goal we set out for! We were able to present ProMedica Toledo Hospital with a check for $23,000 for room renovations to provide the Maternal Fetal Medicine staff and their patients an inviting and cozy place, during the most difficult conversations. It was even more special getting to meet and share our story with staff from the MFM Department, Toledo Hospital Leadership Team, and the ProMedica Foundation!
The Lincoln John Myrice Family Room is a small step in giving back to the amazing staff within the Maternal Fetal Medicine Department. There is nothing that can take away the pain, burden, and emotions these individuals and families are faced with. However, our hope is to aide in making sure they are not alone, and offer a little more comfort during these hardships.
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